Personaje de la semana


"So give me coffee & TV, peacefully... I've seen so much I'm going blind and I'm brain dead virtually... Sociability is hard enough for me, take me away from these big bad world and agree to marry me... so we can start over again..."


Cosito Linkeador

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martes, junio 28, 2005

Blue post

When it comes to people I love (whether they are friends, family, guys I "date" -or used to date-, whoever I care a bit about), I can't stand being lied to, I can't stand they keeping things from me, I can't and never ever will be able to stand that. And perhaps it's my fault for placing people on high pedestals and admiring them in most cases. Maybe it's just that I have such high standards to define what I want or what I look for in people who surround me that at the very first attitude that I don’t like, I feel deeply disappointed. And it feels so bad, so awful... makes me sad, really sad. Like the way I feel today.

Pido disculpas si no todas las sentences son correctas a nivel semántico o si hay faltas de ortografía... no es mi estilo, pero hace mucho que no escribo en inglés... pero lo sentí así. Creo que me contagió Tamsyn. ;)
Eme: pronto posteo lo de las pelis eh! No me olvidé...

APDEIT ®: GRACIAS a ALBUS, se solucionó el temita del side-bar. wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Y gracias a Floydian, por bancar mis muuchos mails con problemas bloguísticos :P

* Todo lo que no comprende a la razón *